First photo: Desron Division 91, Basketball Champion, Yokosuka, Japan, 1962, Sam Welsh was killed in an accident in Gun Mount 53 lower deck handling room on November 17, 1962. The Mansfield took his body to Okinawa.
Back Row L-R: David Faust, J.D. Kinsner, Clifford Arnett, Randall Smith
L-R: Mike Smith (IN)-J.D. Kisner & his Alabama brother- Randall Smith-Gerald J. Schmitt (FL)

Brian and his 4 Grandchildren went to Dulles Airport in June of 2023 to greet the Veterans arriving on an “Honor Flight” to spend three days in Washington, D.C. and then fly back to their Homes.
Captain Brian Moynihan is wearing a USS Mansfield DD 728 cap. He was a Lieutenant on the Mansfield, and was stationed on the Mansfield from 1962 thru 1964.