Thanks to shipmate SA Karl Kristiansen (65-66)l
Memories of Boot Camp
Genuine Natural Color Print (above center): Do you remember sending one of
these home to let mom and dad know you were okay? I only have 6 of the 8 pictures.
Bootcamp..the word means many different things to many people. For most of us it was the first time away from home, the first time on your own. The city kids, the farm boys, just like the characters in a WW II B-movie.
My memories of Great Lakes in the summer of 1965 are of hot days and a lot of marching around. “Hurry up and wait”. Words to live by! I remember getting roused out of bed by our sister company commander and being made to do push-ups with five minutes between counts. Chief Wright, our company commander, was not too thrilled when he heard about that.
Field days every night. Scrubbing your clothes and cleaning the head, making your rack and praying you didn’t get hit during inspections. Just loved extra duty doing that 96-count manual with those M-1s.
If your picture is here, email me and we can swap sea stories.