Charles E. “Stubby” Newell – Photos Page 1 ยท 1948/52
![]() The USS Mansfield struck a mine in September and is in dry dock at Sasebo, Japan for repairs. Newell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. “Chuck” Newell and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Kelley of Merriam. |
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War’s Details Bared by 2 Vessels Here
First battle-damaged warships berthing here since World War II – the destoryers USS Mansfield and USS Brush – received warm welcomes yesterday despite rainladen winds.
Countless little stories of heroism and humor are bared in the two destoryers’ logs of their important roles in Korean fighting.
In addition to to naval and civilian officials, the 13th naval district’s band was on hand, playing both Christmas and military tunes as the mine-damaged vessels slipped into Pier 4 berths in Puget Sound naval shipyard.
The welcoming was in contrast to that accorded the vessels when they first returned to the states from Korea last week.
No public or press reception was held in San Francisco. Yesterday, however, both newspaper and movie newsreel cameramen and reproters swarmed through the reception scene.
Oddly, the seventh Korean patrol made by the Mansfield, flagship of commander destroyer division Nine, was the unluckiest.
On sept. 30 the Mansfield suffered 20 casualties in striking a mine north of the Chumonshin area as it searched for a ditched B-26. Only the ship’s mascot, a mongrel dog named Pohang, was lost.
The ship’s historian, with a touch of ironic humor, recorded in vital statistics: “Number of enemy mines destroyed, 1 (by ramming).”
One of the outstanding heros of the mine blast was William L. Corcoran, gunner’s mate, second class of Boston, Mass. Corcoran who has been awarded the Silver Star, was credited with saving the lives of many crewmen by removing them from the damaged bow area.
The Mansield is most famed for her role as one of the five “sitting ducks.”
She and sister destroyers stood off Wolmi Island to draw enemy fire – so the guns could be spotted and destroyed – before the successful Inchon landing.
The Mansfield participated in a little mining activity herself, putting ashore on the east coast of Korea a demolition team which mined a mile-long railroad tunnel.
A North Korean train touched off the mines to halt some of the flow of material from northern industrial plants.
The Mansfield’s damaged bow was removed at the Sasebo, Japan, shipyard and a temporary bow was affixed. The damaged bow came back aboard a cargo vessel and was transferred to the USS Achernar (AKA-53) for the final leg of the journey here.
The Brush suffered heavier casualties in a mine blast Sept. 27 off northeast Korea. The death toll now stands at 13, in addition to the injured and missing.
E.N. Mitchell, fireman now on leave, was one of five men swept over board. He made a two-mile swim to a small island and was eventually picked up by the destroyer USS Maddox.
A second man was saved when he utilized a life raft dropped by a sea rescue plane until a vessel could pick him up. The other three still are listed as missing.
The Mansfield and Brush berthed for repairs of battle damage and general overhaul after discharging their ammunition at Bangor naval ordinance depot.
They were the first battle-damaged vessels reporting here since World War II era when PSNS built, outfitted, repaired and overhauled a total of 394 ships.
Among them were the “five old ladies of Pearl Harbor,” the battleships USS California, Maryland, Nevada, Tennessee and West Virginia.
Also, the carriers USS Franklin and Bunker Hill – Japanese suicide plane victims – and the Enterprise, Lexington, Saratoga, Ticonderoga and Wasp.
Other battlewagons entering PSNS in wartime were the USS New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Washington, and Britain’s HMS Warspite.
In the cruser class, the PSNS record lists the Minneapolis, Nashville, New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Wichita.
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