Richard A. Bowman (March 1948-October 1952)
USS Mansfield (DD-728) 1948-1950
USS Tortuga (LSD-26) 1950-1952 QM2
Third photo (group shot):
Front Row (L to R): H.E. Rutherford QM2, Ray Richers RM3, Harwell ET2, A.B. Guetereze YN3, D.U. Dyer QM2, J.P. Murray RDSA, J.E. Brewer QMSA, Morris Crabb RD3, Monte Martinez RDSA, Frank Wassom LTjg Division Officer.
Second Row (L to R): R.V. Reif SO3, C.R. Harmon RMSN, B.J. Harmon RD3, Jack Coe QM3 (kneeling), John Mikus QM3, Myers RMSN, Bauchman RDSN, Addington RDSA, Bryant YNSA, T.W. Roy ET3, E.E. Hanson QMSN.
Third Row (L to R): Dale Collins RMSN, Bergner TE3, R.L. Bazinet QMSN, Bowers RMSN, E.J. Brown ET3, R.A. Bowman QMSN, R.C. Vigenault SOSN, J.P. Blythe RDSN, Paul Reese QMSA
Military scrip at bottom:
Front and back side photos of military scrip which was issued to us during the 1950s Asian Occupation and Korean War era. Whenever, we left the continental limits of the U.S. all American currency was confiscated and we were issued scrip.
During this period of time, the government did not want U.S. currency being used during the occupation of Japan, etc., as it could be used for black-market activities. However, the Japanese would use the scrip for the same purposes too. But, the government had the option of reissuing the stuff and they were somewhat leery of trading with it. I have other issues of the scrip. Whenever, they would reissue it, it would always look different.
The First Task Fleet was comprised of more than fifty ships. (November 1948)
(L to R): (1) Don Taylor RM3, (2) Dan Villenga RM3, (3) Cliff Stevenson RMSN, (4) Vic Roy ET3, (5) Eddie Engelskirch RMSN, (6) Dale Collins RMSN, (7) “Fats” Perkins RMSA, (8) Leonard Macy ET3, (9) Earl Pugh SOSN.
Long Beach Naval Station, Long Beach, CA 30 September 1993